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About us

Who we are

PrEP'D For Change was founded in June 2015 by Daniel MacPhail and Chris Williams.


We started with a national Facebook Group dedicated to sharing information, opinions and media about a game changing HIV prevention strategy in Australia known as PrEP. All members of the PrEP'D For Change Facebook group have the opportunity to ask questions and share their thoughts and experiences of PrEP with others around the country.

We recognise that helping the community form educated opinions around PrEP is crucial to the implementation of such a groundbreaking HIV prevention strategy. To address this, we created this website to provide information and support for everyone in Australia. This is made possible through funding and dedication from the founders with generous support and assistance from our friends, fellow PrEP supporters, HIV/AIDS organisations and healthcare professionals.


The founders of PrEP'D For Change are volunteers who are passionate about reducing the stigma and discrimination attached to HIV. We believe that PrEP is a powerful tool that will help eliminate new HIV transmissions in Australia.

You can get in touch with us using our contact form or find us in the PrEP’D For Change Facebook group.

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